Wednesday, April 2, 2014

In the beginning...

The backstory:

I moved to Seattle in October 2012, dissatisfied with the relevant job opportunities and rent costs in San Francisco, with the intent of pursuing a pathway into the field of global health.

Why Seattle?

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. PATH. Seattle BioMed. Infectious Disease Research Institute. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. University of Washington Medicine. Seattle is home to some of the most innovative health NGO's and institutions in the world; I figured my shot here was as good as any. Plus, I heard somewhere they have good coffee.

After a few weeks living in the Pacific Northwest I secured a position at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center as a program assistant in the Development department. I worked with wonderful people and gained invaluable professional experience, but discovered after a year and a half that the cubicle life is not for me.

I wanted to be more hands-on and more focused on the global part of global health. I began researching both volunteer and paid outreach positions in developing countries. It's been a goal of mine since college to spend time overseas, whether it be on volunteer basis or for career development. However, I had never traveled past Mexico or Canada other than a short trip to Hungary in college. It was time to walk the walk.

Fast forward a few months... I put in my two weeks at the Hutch, pawned off my apartment lease for a few months, and bought a pair of zip-off shorts/pants.

Ghana? Game on.

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